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About Journal

​The URBANIZM Journal (ISSN: 1811-6582), is a peer-reviewed open-access journal which is a scholarly refereed distributed by EBSCOhost and covers all aspects of sustainability and city design. It is the best international forum for the advancement and dissemination of research results that support high-level learning, teaching and research in the fields of urban planning & sustainable development. The objectives of the journal are to fortify academic exchanges between researchers and academician to endorse and disseminate advancement of urban planning and technology. Our topics of interest includes Regional and Urban planning, Design of city space, Problems of historical city centers, Sustainable development, Social housing, Environmental legislation and policy, Ecosystems analysis and protection, Natural resources management, Waste management, Transport infrastructure, Air, water and soil pollution, Remediation and recovery of the urban fabric, Geo-informatics and the environment, Environmental impact assessment, Heritage and tourism, Vernacular Urbanism, Heritage architecture and historical aspects, Evolution of historical sites, Public safety and security, Architectural modelling, Cities planning, Tourism and Environment, Cultural heritage and architectural issues, Planning in less favourable areas, Regional economics, Utilities and networks, Energy resources, Education and health, Passive energy and effective construction, Smart technology in city management etc.

The journal has completed eighteen successful years of publication and it contains contributions from authors all around the globe.

Aims and Scope


The primary objective of the journal "Urban Planning and Sustainable Development" is to address the multifaceted challenges and concerns faced by contemporary cities. This involves both individual components and complex urban systems. Urban planning aims to structure city layouts, stipulate the requirements for quality of life (QOL), and propose methods and tools to optimize environmental resilience for both components and systems. Additionally, urban planning seeks to establish mechanisms to prevent undesirable developments. This journal focuses on a wide range of issues related to urban planning and sustainable development, aiming to provide comprehensive solutions and insights.


The journal encompasses a broad spectrum of applications within the realms of planning and sustainability, including structural, urban, heritage, social, and spatial domains. Papers submitted to this journal should address significant recent developments in city sustainability within the context of urban planning. Furthermore, the journal serves as a platform for researchers to share and obtain information on cutting-edge developments in urban design, architectural solutions, renovation, and city evolution. We encourage the submission of manuscripts that offer substantive contributions to sustainability and planning, particularly those addressing the complex challenges of enhancing the quality of life in urban environments. By fostering a multidisciplinary dialogue, the journal aims to advance the understanding and practice of urban planning and sustainable development.


​The URBANIZM journal is indexed by the database of EBSCO Publishing, on the web platform of EBSCOhost and CrossRef.

EBSCO Publishing is the leader of world aggregators of scientific and popular publications, as well as electronic and audiobooks. Crossref is the organization that provides an easy way to find the research objects, cite, link, assess, and reuse.

The URBANIZM Journal is an open-access and blind peer-reviewed periodical publication dedicated to the propagation and elucidation of scholarly research results on Urban Planning and Sustainable Development.(JUPSD) The main objective of JUPSD is to provide an intellectual platform for international scholars and to promote interdisciplinary studies in sustainability of the cities and become the leading journal in urban planning of sustainable cities in the world.
JUPSD publishes original papers, review papers, analytical and simulation models, case studies, and event book reviews. The journal is published in both print and online versions.

JUPSD is inviting papers for the upcoming issue of the journal. Please send your manuscript to to

We receive the manuscript during the year and publish the selected paper in November of each year. 

The urbanization and sustainable cities of 21th century, especially in the countries under developing toward post-industrial economy. The ambition of the research issue of the scientific journal is to highlight the challenges of the global experience of contemporary city planning in different regions of the world, with an emphasis on the ideological and heritage aspects of renovation in areas through selected comparative studies.

The aim of the scientific studies is to define the use of general (international) modern approaches to urban planning while parallelly highlighting the impact between the mentality of heritage architecture, the city's thriving economy and sustainable urban centres.

History of Journal

The greatest credit in the creation of this journal should be assigned to Prof. Fikret Huseynov Movsum oglu. 

Fikret Huseynov Movsum oglu (1944–2016) was one of the founding group of architecture professors at the Faculty of Architecture at the Azerbaijan Civil Engineering Institute (now the Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction) in Baku, serving as the first chair of the journal’s editorial board (members of the first editorial board were famous Azerbaijani architects and academics as Prof. Gulchohra Mammadova, Prof. Davud Ahundov, Prof. Elmir Abdulayev, Prof. Shamil Fatullayev, Prof. Aybeniz Hasanova). Professor Fikret Huseynov has led the faculty of architecture and urban planning for more than 30 years and was the Head of the Department of Architectural Design and Urban Planning at Azerbaijan University and Architecture and Construction. In USSR, he became the youngest doctor of sciences in the architecture realm, elevating his school of architects and town planners and opening a new direction in science city planning.

In 2000, Professor Fikret Huseynov Movsum oglu, an Honorary Architect, Doctor of Science in Architecture and Urban Planning and Academician, founded the Society of Urbanists of Azerbaijan. The journal was established in 2001 by the Society of Urbanists of Azerbaijan. The international scope of the journal gradually began to expand mostly after a new chief editor, Prof. Emir Huseynov Fikret oglu, took over in 2016. He has extensive professional and academic experience worldwide and the students of his courses have successfully participated in international competitions. He is a Doctor of Science in Sustainable Urban Planning.
During this time among the standard issues there started a tradition of monothematic-focused issues. 
This reflected also the growth of the editorial board by foreign specialists such as Prof. Alexandre Hedjazi, Prof. Alexey Krasheninnikov, and Prof. Nora Lombardini. The journal was gradually indexed in international databases as EBSCO (from 2018) and CrossRef (from 2021).


Publishing Ethics

The Urbanizm journal requires high standards of publication ethics and prevention of publication malpractice. The journal accepts only original manuscripts which have not been published or submitted to another publisher before, should be written by stated authors, include no unlawful statements, do not infringe the rights of others, and quote the sources appropriately. The review process is anonymous. The reviewers should have no conflict of interest with respect to reviewed articles. The judgements should be objective. The editors and publisher have to take all steps to ensure the quality of published articles. The ethic statements of Urbanizm journal are based on COPE’s Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.

2001. All rights are reserved

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